This model is also the first project of the new vice president for design of Renault,Mr Laurens van den Acker.French car manufacturer said models show stylish design simple,nice and warm.
With model DeZir,The first two criteria in the new design direction at Renault is shown clearly,and red color finish creating a warm feeling to "hot" car.
Renault DeZir use electrical energy,use lithium-ion batteries 24kWh like the Nissan Leaf and with a full battery,car can run 160 km.However, unlike Leaf,batteries of this concept is designed to replace the battery quick.
A 110kW electric motor help the coupe weighs 830kg to accelerate from 0-100 km/h in just 5 seconds.Renault has not revealed plans to produce DeZir concept.
- By Tan Dung